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From Hofborg

Revision as of 23:29, 19 November 2022 by Lara (talk | contribs)
Community Leader
ESO: @Larawyn or Discord: Lara#9755

OOC Staff

Community Leader
ESO: @Larawyn or Discord: Lara#9755
Sheep Herders
The admin team of Hofborg who are most excellent at herding our sheep (Lara).
Vorstág/Osla/Helga | @WyrdMolly (WyrdMolly#4855)
Ava Mutsdottir (Iris/Sel#3673)
Rokthor||@sinath41 (Rokthor#2433)
Our loremasters are responsible for approving any lore for the guild.
Rokthor||@sinath41 (Rokthor#2433)
Application Team
Lyric | Adenora | @AnakinSeth (Lyric#7228)
Player Council (and Discord Officers)
The player council is comprised of IC Leaders as well as dungeon masters.
Baene (@mithril52) Bane#7639
Dungeon Masters (and Discord Officers)
Elsi | Llavise | @TheBobbyLlama (TheBobbyLlama#4149)
Sha'harun | SealGunman (SealGunman#1438)
phlegmathicc | ysode (loopdoops#31450

Town of Hofborg

Rokthor Shattershield - Rokthor#2433
Borgmester (Mayor)
Kjell - WhenDaxAttacks#2159
Master Crafter
Ulffar Hammer-Born - Hardrada#1512
Captain of the Guard

Saebjorn Crew

Baene Thorrstad - Bane#7639
First Mate
Ava Muttsdottir - Iris/Sel#3673
Second Mate
Larsa Thorrstad - Lara#9755
Volkkr Bloodmouth - Zephyrs Prime#2413

The Motherhouse

High Priest
Acting High Priestess
Branwyn Thorrstad - Lara#9755
Skógr-Vard (Grove Father)
Hjoldhrim Bear-heart - TheHrimBone#3666