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Our town uses a Custom Portal Add-on which offers seamless portals between zones. Download for best access.


From Hofborg

Revision as of 20:28, 9 September 2022 by Lara (talk | contribs)

.. I am not a huge fan of a lot of rules. However, when you scroll through here you may be like WTH$#@#%% .. So let me begin with these very simple rules; Don't be a dick (OOCly), share the screen and practice good RP Etiquette, and respect that we prefer a lower fantasy, grittier setting for our Nord community. The rest of this is all just details for those who don't get that.

Vistor's Website
If you are not intending to become a member of our community then our visitor's website is where you need to be.

Code of Conduct

Be Kind

Kindness in a community will grow it, a lack of kindness will kill it. A failure to be kind will drive out those players who are themselves kind and keep only those who are not.

Gamers and role-players come from all walks of life with all manner of personal challenges. Let's function under the premise that if we have nothing nice to say we say nothing at all.

Be Tolerant

While I tend to equate a lack of tolerance with a lack of kindness, I'm going to make an additional statement here.

Please welcome everyone regardless of race, creed, religion, politics, or sexual/gender orientation. Additionally, do not accuse anyone of being racist, homophobic, fanatical, nazi, fascist, etc.