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Our town uses a Custom Portal Add-on which offers seamless portals between zones. Download for best access.


From Hofborg

.. I am not a huge fan of a lot of rules. However, when you scroll through here you may be like WTH$#@#%% .. So let me begin with these very simple rules; Don't be a dick (OOCly), share the screen and practice good RP Etiquette, and respect that we prefer a lower fantasy, grittier setting for our Nord community. The rest of this is all just details for those who want more details.

Vistor's Website
If you are not intending to become a member of our community,
then our visitor's website is where you need to be.

Code of Conduct

While our visitors are expected to adhere to Wheaton's Rule. We expect our actual members to take the next step and be an active part of building a kind and tolerant community where trust and respect are the standard.

Be Kind
Kindness in a community will grow it, a lack of kindness will kill it. A failure to be kind will drive out those players who are themselves kind and keep only those who are not. Gamers and role-players come from all walks of life with all manner of personal challenges. Let's function under the premise that if we have nothing nice to say we say nothing at all.
Be Tolerant
While I tend to equate a lack of tolerance with a lack of kindness, I'm going to make an additional statement here. Please welcome everyone regardless of race, creed, religion, politics, or sexual/gender orientation. Additionally, do not accuse anyone of being racist, homophobic, fanatical, nazi, fascist, etc.
Disability Respect
If you suffer from any form of mental, physical or emotional disability you have both our understanding and our sympathy. If that disability might affect how you interact with the community and you need allowances made, please let an admin know privately so that we can advise the staff team as to how best to support you.
No Religion / No Politics
Being kind includes caring about how your words and your topic choices effect others. Topics such as religion and politics, and any others like them, do not belong at the dinner table. Most of us come here to escape real life; leave it at the door. I don't care if you want to debate if pineapple belongs on pizza - but that's as far as it should go. Consequently, if anyone calls for a topic change, respect it immediately.

Role-play Etiquette (Rules)

We expect that everyone is familiar with common role-play etiquette and knows not to do such things as; metagaming, forceful role-play aka godmodding, superman or mary sue role-play, and negative thought emotes without representation. (All players have permission to respond to negative thought emotes, directed at them, as if they were spoken out loud.) Read More ...

Keep the Immersion
No OOC in local (say/yell/emote) or house zone. Exception: Quick "brb" or typo* corrections are acceptable. Take the joking and arguing to whisper or your own group chats.
Role-play Not Welcome
No homophobic or transphobic role-play is allowed by visitors anywhere in the town.
Lore Shaming
We do not condone lore shaming either out of character or even in character. As a community we welcome players of all lore levels and do not tolerate them being driven off over lore. If there is a serious lore break bring it to the moderators. It will be the final call of the lore-masters if the lore break is culture impacting and should be dealt with.

Role-Play Style

All the Nords
This community was created and is maintain for those role-players who are part of the Nord Community. We do allow other races, but we will actively maintain the Nord cultural feel if we must. So while you are welcome to bring your non-Nord here to join, we expect them to adopt our culture and traditions. We reserve the right to restrict how many non-Nords are in our community.
High Fantasy vs Low Fantasy
ESO offers a wide spectrum of role-play options for players that swings quite far between low and high fantasy. This is good, it gives the overall role-play community more options than just one does. However, as you likely know, individual players have individual preferences. As a group, I think we tend to fall closer to the low fantasy side and are likely to view high fantasy characters with suspicion. I welcome you to come discuss this with me if you have any concerns about how your preferences fits in.
What this means for magic
We are applying no OOC restrictions on what type of magic is used and will be supporting the player base's IC opinions on magic. And while we expect the average nord to have a problem with necromancy, daedra or even magic in general, we expect it to be handled ICly.
However the OOC guideline is: The guild wants to see magical solutions used less then a third of the time to solve guild problems. This can be handled in a variety of ways by the players, and will only be addressed by the guild leadership if this guideline is ignored.
Magic vs Melee (Rules)
This is an expanded post to help explain.

Combat Resolution

We are a predominantly free form combat community. However we use a basic set of Dice Rules from the Nighthaven guild when free form fails between players. We also have a recognizable format for group combat that we use with our game/dungeon masters. We will adjust rules as necessary. Read More ..
See Also

NPC Guideline

As a community we do not generally approve the use of NPCs to solve issues. We expect that if you say "I have a contact who can help with ____", that you are speaking of a player-character, even if its your own alt. Preference will always given to characters who are actively participating in the storyline.

NPCs (including pets and summons) may not be used to solve “problems” outside of DM authorized events. This means that we continue to use NPCs for all our standard “trivial” needs such as bar tenders, cooks, store keeps, flavor pets, etc etc. This keeps the focus on the players and lowers the power level of any player to player encounters. (We recognize that ESO classes have marital pets and summons, but what we do for one we must do for all, and this is the simpler solution.)
DM Events
For every person involved in the DM’d event, another 4 NPCs may be used to solve quest plot lines. If we have 6 players we can use 24 NPC oarsmen members. This means that anyone RPing as a ship’s captain may make use of 4 of their NPC oarsmen. However, this NPCs can ONLY be used “off screen” of the main player action, and they can only be given one set of instructions per session. So we can send a ship or crew around to hold an entrance, or confront other DM NPCs, but after that instruction is given what happens and all of its details is now in the hands of the DM.

Rules, Other

Crew Positions

We will have a selection of crew positions that will be given out ICly to those who have earned it in their RP. However, such positions have OOC expectations. Therefore we are going to define those as:

  1. Two events a month that are related to the job you are doing.
  2. Two posts a month to the captain's log that shares the information Baene need's ICly; i.e. Who participated, what was the event, and what needs to be followed up on by whom.

Earning a position will take quite a few weeks. If you are interested in having such a position you may reach out to discuss with me.


We have plenty of room to add player homes. Our custom add-on, "Role-Play Town Portals" is able to offer a multi-destination option for player homes -- allowing a near unlimited number of player homes to be attached to the town. Fictionally, these "Housing Lanes" are described as streets, alleys, neighborhoods, etc depending on the fiction. Each of the areas has a particular look and feel and homes must match both the style and intention of the "housing lane". We do allow custom builds using both the Solitude and High Isle assets to create homes thematically appropriate to Western Skyrim and Solitude. The Leyawiin assets are too clean for our purposes, where as the High Isle Tudor (waddle-and-dab) assets are appropriate for Solitude buildings.

Our commitment to the town's immersion requires player homes to match the region, be fully decorated and appropriate for your character's IC position in Hofborg. We will not link a home until the build is complete. Read More ..