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Hofborg, Village (Location)

From Hofborg

File:Hofborg The Village.jpg

User ID: @Oim

House: Moonsugar Meadow

Location Name: Hofborg, The Village

Brief Description:

Heading South from the docks you will be entering The Village of Hofborg, treading upon a cobblestone path. The Village is home to the locals who have grown up in this region as well as Saebjorn crew members who have sprouted new roots. The Village has a stone grind mill and at the center of town, there is a large stone well housed with a wooden roof, near a large statue of the Visage of the Skald. The Village also features a large windmill and stone mill for grain. The entrance to the Fair Grounds is found under a trellis of bright and colorful blossoms hanging down in a canopy leading the path South.

Max Population: 24

Points of Interest

Farmer's Market
File:Village farmers market.jpg
Walking South down the path in Hofborg, Village you will come to a stone well housed with a wooden roof. In front of the well is a Produce Shop. Produce sourced from local farmers and gatherers of the village. There are seasonal vegetables and fruit as well as imported fruits from warmer regions. Food is available for purchase on-site and at prior request, special items can be ordered that are harder to come by, at a fair price. We keep grains, barley, and wheat on the shelf, as well as wild rice.