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Our town uses a Custom Portal Add-on which offers seamless portals between zones. Download for best access.

Housing (Rules)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 16:57, 8 November 2022 by Lara (talk | contribs)

Depending upon availability and activity, we have room to "link" other player homes to our town with our portal add-on. Which homes you can use, and where they can be linked is included in these pages. Our primary goal is to keep the immersion of the region, so player homes are expected to match the region, be appropriate for your character's position and be fully decorated. We will not link a home until the build is complete.

Acceptable Homes

Homes with courtyards such as Autumn's Gate and Old Mistveil Manor may not be linked to doors inside other buildings as going from an internal door to a courtyard would ruin the immersion. Home with courtyards can only be linked to gates placed in the outer walls of the village.

Name Connection Requirement
Old Mistveil Manor External Portal Required
Autumn's Gate External Portal

  • Grymharth's Woe - E/I Portal
  • Snowmelt Suite - Internal Portal
  • The Rosy Lion - Internal Portal
  • Captain Margaux Place - Internal Portal (restricted)
  • Hakkvild's Hall - Needs special external portal (restricted)
  • Exorcised Coven Cottage - Need special external portal (restricted)
  1. Any home marked as (Restricted) has either special changes needed or special access created.
    1. Captain Margeaux needs the walls covered to match the interior of the building it is linked to.
    2. The Hakkvild's High Hall has a weird cave entrance and we only have so many of those available that we believe this should be reserved for clan halls, not player homes.
    3. Exorcised Coven Cottage also needs a special portal so ask if we have any available.
  2. As we've seen, you can do a lot with a player home and all the extra wall assests we have. Therefore, other homes might work if they have been carefully changed from their original to be thematic.


As this is a new project our rules are not yet set. However, if you are linking your home with us early in the project I need you to agree that your link maybe removed if you go inactive. The period of inactivity will be about a month, but may vary depending on demand.