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Talk:The Motherhouse (Lore)

From Hofborg

This Fanon has been adopted from another fictional world and is not canon to Elder Scrolls.


A Riddari Paladin is expected to be skilled in both mounted and unmounted combat with the following weapons: sword, spear, shield, and great axe. Riddari generally do not use bows, preferring throwing axes. In addition to martial skills, they are expected to give 40 days of service to the Motherhouse, serving as armed escorts for the priest/ess. They must know the tenants of their faith and furthermore be skilled in Northern poetic verse and High Speech. Training lasts for ten years, typically from 12 to 22.

Riddari raise and train their horses from babies, often with the animals living in the longhouse with the warrior. This is not necessarily uncommon for Nord culture anyway. Some of the Riddari claim to have a telepathic bond with their horses, and while this has never been proven, or disproven, it is a widely accepted fact.

Riddari, by way of graduation, are branded with their sigil, which combines their personal sigil with that of their mentor. This is the same sigil used to brand the paladin's own horses. This final step in branding a stallion is a dangerous one, the Nordsvensk as the stallion would have been bred and trained for war. The paladin was expected to brand the stallion with no more than a single rope tie-down. There are Riddari that have been savaged and killed by their own horses.