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Creating Positive Conflict (Guide)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 16:53, 5 January 2023 by Shadoe (talk | contribs)

Playing Nords, and to a lesser extent "pirates", means many of us have abrasive characters. It is absolutely crucial to our community's reputation that we practice good sportsmanship and positive communication. So here are some guidelines and a warning from our moderator team.

Offer an OOC Warning

If your character will pick a fight quickly as opposed to being provoked, take a moment to whisper the other player and say something like, "Bob is a character who tends to look for a fight, if this upsets you ooc please let me know and I'll modify." Then screen shot that - just in case.

I do not feel it's necessary to offer this warning in all cases, especially with chars who are more likely to only respond aggressively when provoked, as warnings can back fire and make some players feel threatened or even simply assume you, the player, just "want to play a jerk".

Thank them for the role-play

Correspondingly, it is always a good idea to thank the other player for the role-play. Simply saying "thank you for the role-play", can generate all types of good will and encourage other players to seek us out for other good experiences.

OOC Limits

Regardless of where you are or who you are role-playing with always respect the other players limits. We keep a list of OOC Player limits in our discord, but if another player ever says anything like "this is triggering me, I don't like RP conflict, I prefer to fade to black", etc etc. Absolutely respect those limit requests.

Bleeding? Disengage!

If the other player contacts you OOC with any type of ooc accusations, what we call IC/OOC bleed - disengage immediately. Disengage both ICly and OOCly. Advise the player that you are sorry they are upset and cease role-playing with them.

I strongly suggest a cease fire rather then a modification as players who jump to assuming OOC offense was intended are already in a head space from which return will be difficult. Just apologize for upsetting them and walk away.


If you have abided by these guide lines, our moderation team is willing to help you moderate issues between you and other players, even if those players are not members of our community. However, if you did not keep everything strictly in character, aside from the above suggestions, you are on your own. Furthermore, if your actions tarnish our reputation expect a conversation on how you can avoid such in the future and how we can make reparations.

In summary don't start conflict if you can't keep it IC. Restrict your OOC communication to politely worded warnings, appreciation for the role-play or apologies for causing upset. And take screen shots!

Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.