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Healing and Wound (Guide)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 18:54, 26 November 2022 by Lara (talk | contribs) (→‎Terms)

A general guideline as to how the guild feels about the effectiveness of medical and magical healing of wounds.


Types of Wounds

Death (Heart Stopped likely due to blood loss) Death (Head Removed) Limb cut off Arrow Puncture that would require "surgery" Arrow Puncture of the "push it thru variety" Bone Break Severe (crushed our broken skin) Bone Break normal (something that can be straightened with hands) Deep Cut (to the bone) Abdominal cut (spill guts)


A medic has the ability to stabilize wounds in the field using medical tools, alchemical potions and limited restoration magic.
A healer is someone who has more skill then a medic and at least one speciality in medicine, alchemy, herbalism or restoration magic who can act as a medic in the field and an "emergency medical hologram" at a facility with the proper tools.
A Chirurgeon is someone with advanced knowledge in (a combination of) medicine, alchemy, herbalism, and restoration magic and can perform surgery and all but the "quest level" wounds listed above. This rank generally applies to those characters who have this as a dedicated profession with a decade or more each of eduction and experience.
Quest Level
A "quest level" wound is outside of the skill set available in Hofborg and may even be outside of plausible ESO lore. While we discourage quest level wounds, we recognize that sometimes they happen and the player wants to make "an event out of it". In this cause it should be a multi-week long process that includes finding the very best practitioners and/or the very best healing locations, and may require solutions involving necromancy. DM's should never give a Quest Level wound without clearing it with the player ahead of time as it may result in death if the quest fails. This type of wound can not be hand waved.
Please note that this document along with a few others have been created with new players in mind. These documents are written by other players and are not cannon. There is a lot of lore for ESO and new players will be well served by summaries that allow them to orient what they learn in game to the larger picture. This is not a final say document and we recognize that those of you who are very familiar with the lore may disagree with individual points expressed here. We welcome those differences to be expressed in role-play, but are not looking to generate a lore battle that would be far over the heads of this documents intended audience.