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Hofborg, Guard House (Location)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 00:04, 26 March 2023 by Shadoe (talk | contribs)

File:Guard House202.png

User ID: @Oim

House: Grymharth's Woe

Location Name: Hofborg, The Guard House

Brief Description: Conveniently tucked in next to the Thane’s Hall is the recently restored Guard House and Bastille. Swordthanes and Shieldthanes alike often share these quarters with the local town guard. The thick stone walls and rugged, heavy timbers that comprise this barracks ensure that it can stand up to a good battering, and for the most part it has in years past. Newly renovated and strengthened, the garrison is back in service for the town guard and detention of criminals.

Max Population: 12

Points of Interest

Front Counter/Visitor Check-In
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Visitors are bid to check in their weapons at the counter, log their name, and state their business for the ledger. Jorm Stonehearth will see to it no one slips in, or out, unaccounted for. He’s duty bound to watch over and keep order in the Guard House. He is a friendly guy usually seen playing cards and talking with the detainees but don't cross him, or you'll likely find yourself in a cell.
Want to post a Bounty? Wish to collect a Bounty? Need to report a crime? Speak with the guard on duty.
Guard Lounge
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On the upper floor, modest accommodations provide basic creature comforts for the guards on duty. A warm hearth to heat up leftover soup, kegs of mead and ale, plenty of sweetrolls and strong coffee, and a somewhat soft bed for those taking shifts, the lounge and barracks is home sweet home to the town's militia.
Jail Cells
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Dark, chilly and dank, the jail cells are not somewhere you want to end up. Though treatment of detainees may be considered "kind", the comfort level leaves one yearning for a reduction in sentence and an early release. Even the food is deliberately served cold. Pay no mind to the town drunkard who seems to be a permanent fixture of the place. They practically have a cell and bunk with their name on it in the back left corner of the cell block.
Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.