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Hofborg, Spirit Woods (Location)

From Hofborg

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User ID: @Oim

House: Moon-Sugar Meadow

Location Name: Spirit Woods

Brief Description: The mountain pass that leads to the town of Hofborg first passes through a deep forest and then into the Spirit Wood. While scouting for a location to make their home the town's founders were likely drawn by the magical and sacred nature of this special location. The ancient walls, stone carvings, and tremendous guardian tree speak to an earlier settlement, but its deeper history has been forgotten. Jorm the Mumbling works in the Spirit Woods and is slightly allergic to milk. He tends to spend most days mumbling and smoking from different pipes. He claims to prophesy but none have yet to come true. Outsiders may find him hard to be around and often considered disturbed. Who knows, maybe he is? However odd he is, the guard is stationed in the grove at all times to guide travelers through the grove and protect the inhabitants from poachers and lumberjacks. He will explain to any that no trees are to be cut, no animals to be killed and only limited wildcrafting is permitted.

Max Population: 24

Points of Interest

Clever Cave
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Carved into a hillside is the opening to an obscure tunnel watched over by an ancient stone sentinel. Winding deep beneath the foothills of Thyrrfjell (Spirit Mountain), the narrow tunnel opens into a surreal ravine surrounded by tranquil waters and soothing waterfalls. Here, living with nature, one will find a modest cottage and mystical shrines among which a Nord Skaal currently resides.
Moot Henge
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Erected long ago by an unknown peoples, likely to serve as a sacred gathering space, the weathered henge stones stand beneath towering pines and draped with blankets of vines. Hoary stones painted with swirling symbols further encircle the hallowed amphitheater. It is here moots of import are often convened.
Sacred Pool
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Further mystical wonders abound within the venerable glade. Down a path flanked by dense ferns one will find a sunken pool of thermal water surrounded by ivy cloaked granite. Local rumors tout that the heated spring possesses healing powers.
Guardian Spirit Tree
What is Home? Talk of what Home is - snow and fir forest is Home.
From the first moment they are ours.
Before anyone has told us that it is snow and fir forests.
They have a place in us, and since then they are there, always, always.
Come home. Go in there bending branches
Go on till you know what it means to belong.
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The Vard tree in the center of the Spirit Wood is associated with the guardianship of the spirits as well as the luck of the community. The locals make offerings to it, asking blessings of it, and care for it as deeply as they would the most precious member of their community. The location of the Vard Tree is also assumed to be a place of meeting between the gods, the spirits and humans. Its placement in the Spirit Wood outside of the Temple and beside the Moot Henge is a clear indication of its spiritual importance. This particular tree is known as She who shades our sorrow.
Hawk Claw Trail Gate
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Heading along the old cobbled path within the Spirit Woods one will come to a weathered wooden gate along a stone wall guarded by the rock-hewn visage of Ysgramor. Here marks the narrow path, Hawk Claw Trail, that leads farther away from Hofborg proper and deeper into the heart of Western Skyrim. The first hall you reach, nestled on a hillside, is the Warrior’s Respite, the meadhall of the Hofborg Thane.
Entrance to the Borg
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At the far end of the path that meanders through the Spirit Woods one will come to the gate leading down into the main town center of Hofborg. Within the town center, most of the settlement's craftsmen and women maintain their businesses.
Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.