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Hofborg, Temple (Location)

From Hofborg

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User ID: @Larawyn

House: Hakkvild's High Hall

Location Name: Thyrrfjell

Brief Description: Atop a hillside called Thyrrfjell by the locals, meaning "spirit mountain", this secluded spiritual sanctuary is often shrouded in mist. Travelers, warriors, pilgrims, and refugees are bid welcome where shelter, food, blessings, various ceremonial rites, and healing are offered. Feel free to pay tribute at the various Shrines dedicated to the Nord totemic pantheon as you wander about the tranquil grounds. The ancient Barrow Home encircles a sacred pool which is believed to aid in magical healing. The Temple proper is an open space usable for ritual, meetings and classes.

The Temple is set as a learning center for clergy, shamans, healers, physicians, herbalist and practitioners of the clever craft and other related magical practices. Ever watchful like a sentry, Jorm Kyneshield patrols the grounds of the Motherhouse. He is a devout Nord who worships the old totemic pantheon and has pledged his life to defend the Temple.

The Temple is set as a learning center for clergy, shamans, healers, physicians, herbalist and practitioners of the clever craft and other related magical practices. Read More ..

Max Population: 24

Points of Interest

The Shrines
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Scattered about the grounds, various Shrines are dedicated to the Nord totemic pantheon. Vistors are bid welcome to wander about the tranquil premises and leave offerings to the gods. Clergy, shamans, clever-men, and Skaal often visit these grounds and conduct rituals to honor their respective dieties.
The Barrow Home
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The converted barrow of the Motherhouse serves as a place of healing for the town of Hofborg. The Barrow's speciality is magical healing due to the sacred waters in the Barrow's center. The waters are said to run deep from under the Spirit Woods and bring rapid healing for many ailments. In addition to magical healing, the Barrow has herbalists, medics, and even doctors on staff.
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Founded decades ago to overlook the sacred grove below and be an ever watchful eye over the hallowed barrow, the Temple was the first building constructed by the pilgrims that settled the area. It has undergone little change since the first stone was laid in the foundation. Ever a bastion of faith to the devout, and a sanctuary to those without hope, the Temple has served selflessly as a sanctum to those in need of spiritual counsel and healing. Currently, the Temple proper is an open space usable for ritual, meetings and classes.
Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.