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Hofborg, Village (Location)

From Hofborg

File:The Village Town Square005.png

User ID: @Tart56

House: Moon-Sugar Meadow

Location Name: Hofborg, The Village

Brief Description: Heading South from the docks you will be entering The Village of Hofborg, treading upon a cobblestone path. The Village is home to the locals who have grown up in this region as well as Saebjorn crew members who have sprouted new roots. The prominent feature is a towering windmill at the center of town erected by an ancient peoples of ages past. It has since been renovated into a wind powered mill for the processing of wheat and other local grains. Additionally, within the Village is a rustic stone well with a thatched wooden roof near a large statue of the Visage of the Skald, heralding residents and guests alike.

Max Population: 24

Points of Interest

Hofborg, Village Homes
File:The Village Cottage Homes005.png
Many homes in the village belong to long time residents of Hofborg, Village. Some residents are new and have recently grown roots in this seaside town. With the growing number of operations the Saebjorn crew and allies have brought to this port, more and more people are flooding in for work and shelter.
Stone Briar Terrace Gate
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Carved between the small stone cottage are narrow stone steps leading up along the western foothills of Thyrrfjell where a series of terraces are home to small cottages built on top of and around the steep boulders and slender pines.
Butcher's Shop
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Walking South from the docks, one of the first shops you will come upon is the Butcher Shop. You will recognize it from the freshly hunted deer strung up in a tree right outside the shop on the left side of the building. Hanging between the butcher and produce shop, prepping for skinning and then butchering. Fresh meat is supplied daily by local livestock breeders and hunters.
Farmer's Market
File:The Village Farmer's Market005.png
Walking further South down the path in Hofborg, Village you will come to a stone well from which local residence and shop owners draw their water. In front of the well is a Produce Shop with goods sourced from local farmers and gatherers of the village. There are seasonal vegetables and fruit as well as imported fruits from warmer regions. Food is available for purchase on-site and at prior request, special items can be ordered that are harder to come by, at a fair price. We keep grains, barley, and wheat on the shelf, as well as wild rice.
Tinder Lane Gate
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Tucked in right beside the Farmer's market is the gate leading to a small cul de sac of various workshops.
The Bunkhouse
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Just across the street from the Butcher's Shop and Farmer's Market is the gate to the Bunkhouse. It is here the bulk of the Saebjorn crew and town labor force lodges.
White Wood Trail Gate
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A narrow dirt path winds along low rolling hills dotted with low stone fences which divides small land plots suitable for cottages and lodges with gardens.
Entrance to the Forest
File:The Village Forest Gate005.png
This district of the town is being rebuilt. Stay tuned for update.
Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.