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Timey Wimey (Guide)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 18:27, 19 November 2022 by Lara (talk | contribs)

Handling time in ESO can be a little confusing for new players, especially when each new guild does it differently and there isn't a standard we can direct you to. This page will cover the general and the specifics of how we handle time in Hofborg.

What Year is it? (Guide)
Elder Scrolls Online came out in the year 2014 which was set in the lore year of 582. That year has not changed since the game was released. This, obviously, makes no sense and particularly bugs role-players, so they have opted for this solution: Add to the lore year of 582 the number of years since the release each DLC was. This means 2023 will year 591. And that the Deadlands DLC which was released in 2021 was lore year 589.
Travel Time

Tamriel, the Elder Scrolls world, is significantly larger than is represented in the game. This image will allow you to get an idea of just how far the travel times are. When the guild leaves Hofborg and travels outside of Western Skyrim it is assumed that travel time has occurred. In some cases we may do a pre or post travel event or simply post details to the rumors channel or the Saebjorn captains' log.


In general, Hofborg does not use wayshrines as a fictional method of travel as the role-play community generally agrees that way shrines are neither cheap enough nor accessible enough to be counted as a means of travel. However, we do not require individuals to abide by this and they can claim to travel via way shrine, but you should expect some soft pushback regarding the use of so much magic and/or the waste of so much gold.

Time Slip