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Main Page

From Hofborg

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.. Hofborg is a public role-play location on the NA-ESO servers for Elder Scrolls Online. The location is comprised of seven 24-person player homes, carefully decorated to create an immersive experience. Visitors are welcome as long as they abide by the rules and guidelines for visitors, most of which is explained on this main page.

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Quick Look for Visitors

Hofborg is an outpost nestled at the feet of a remote temple situated northeast of Windhelm in Eastmarch. The town is home to the Saebjorn Crew, the Motherhouse, the Hammer of Atmora, and other Nord clans. The people of Hofborg are predominantly Nords and tend to be both suspicious and superstitious. Visitors to this locale should be prepared to prove themselves when challenged.

We strongly suggest you read the Expanded Fiction

However, we are not our characters! The players in our guild are welcoming, supportive and kind. Do us the courtesy of keeping IC and OOC separate. We do!


You are obligated to know the Expanded Rules. Here is the short list for those of you in a hurry. But don't go rocking the longship without reading further.

  • No OOC in local (say/yell/emote) or house zone. Exception: Quick "brb" or typo* corrections are acceptable. *Take the joking and arguing to whisper or your own group chats.
  • We expect that everyone is familiar with common role-play etiquette and know not to do such things as; metagaming, forceful role-play aka godmodding, superman or mary sue role-play and negative thought emotes without representation. (All players have permission to respond to negative thought emotes, directed at them, as if they were spoken out loud.)
  • Combat is essentially free-form but all return visitors (and players) are expected to have an OOC limits post in the Saebjorn Discord #ooc-limits channel. Combat dice rules are available for when "good sportsmanship" fails between players.
  • No homophobic or transphobic role-play is allowed by visitors anywhere in the town.

Town Fiction


Nestled high above a thriving little sea port lies the Nord temple known as the Motherhouse. A regal structure dedicated to both the mainland Nord and Skaal pantheon, medicinal arts and hedge magic -- the Motherhouse is a point of attraction for clergy, holy warriors, and healers.

The outpost known simply as Hofborg, which lies on the coast north west of Solitude, is currently under the shared guardianship of a sea-faring crew known as The Saebjorn, the Thane of Hofborg and the High Priest/ess of the Motherhouse. The Saebjorn crew has recently been given the responsibility of running the town on behalf of the temple while the town's new Thane is the voice of the community at court. Rumors have it that the Saebjorn crew is not as above board as the local officials would like, but so far they have garnered no charges of piracy, smuggling or kidnapping.

The three branches of the town, the Motherhouse, the the Seabjorn Crew, and the town of Hofborg are ran by their individual in-character leadership under the OOC management of the Hofborg Roleplay Guild.

See Also
History, Hofborg (Lore)
Laws, Hofborg
Holidays, Hofborg (Lore)
NPCs, Hofborg (Lore)


Hofborg, Laws (Handbook)



It is the intention of this community to provide an authentic Skyrim role-play experience. Nords, and those who live in Skyrim, are as varied as every other region in Tamriel. However we can make some general statements that the visitor to Hofborg should be prepared to expect.

  • This is a 'prove yourself' culture where your actions speak louder than words. Don't expect the villagers to warm up to you after one, or even 6 visits.
  • While most Nords will respect other people's right to worship their gods, including the Daedra gods of the Reach and the Orcs, they really do not like Daedra.
  • Afflicted, including weres and vampires, are not welcome and may in fact be killed on sight.
  • Non-standard races, especially monster races such as spriggans or goblins, are not likely to receive much welcome in town.
  • The average Nord is likely to look down on, or even mock any visitor who is 'putting on airs', 'being a snob' or 'dressed too fancy', so when in Rome ....
  • Never assume a Nord is okay with magic, they might be, but they might not be.
  • Expect a fight. I could go on, but really ... expect a fight.



This application process applies to the town of Hofborg, the Saebjorn Crew, and the Motherhouse: all of which are moderated through the Hofborg Roleplay guild in game and on the discord server. Read More ..


The moderation team of Hofborg uses a Discord based ticket system. To contact a moderator, join the Hofborg discord server and surf to the #start-here channel to open a ticket. Read More ..

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We will have a selection of IC leadership positions that will be given out ICly to those who have earned it in their RP. However, such positions have OOC expectations. Therefore we are going to define those as:

  1. Two events a month that are related to the job you are doing.
  2. Two posts a month to the appropriate Discord journal, such as the Captain's Log that shares the information the leaders need ICly; i.e. Who participated, what was the event, and what needs to be followed up on by whom.

Earning a position will take quite a few weeks. If you are interested in having such a position you may open a ticket on discord to discuss with the Player Council. Read More ..
