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Role-play Etiquette (Rules)

From Hofborg

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We expect that everyone is familiar with common role-play etiquette and knows not to do such things as; metagaming, forceful role-play aka godmodding, superman or mary sue role-play, and negative thought emotes without representation. (All players have permission to respond to negative thought emotes, directed at them, as if they were spoken out loud.)

Metagaming is defined as using out of character information in character. Metagaming can not be circumvented by the use of backstories or "all knowing" deities. Metagaming is further classified as a role-play etiquette and is thus managed along with other breaks of our Code of Conduct.
If metagaming is using information intended only for the players in your character's roleplay, then infragaming is refusing to use in character information provided in out of character formats. A certain respect for this is necessary in a community as its unrealistic that every bit of necessary information can be personally provided to your character in direct RP.
For example; refusing to use the #rumor-mill for your role-play or otherwise being so hard core about what your character knows that reasonable adjustment for out-of-rp limitations are refused. See: Quest Event Etiquette (Guide)
Forceful Roleplay or Godmodding
Do not force actions on another player. This is referred to as GodModding. For example, in an RP scene, do not grab someone and throw them against a wall. If you would like to do something like that, emote "grabs and attempts to slam them against a wall". Leave the decision as to whether or not the player will allow you to do this up to them.
Please note: You are not obligated to accept any RP forced on you. Simply respond with an adjustment such as, "Sees the -attempt- to slap their face, but takes a step back before it lands". If the other player complains, simply suggest switching to dice.
Superman or Mary Sue role-play
Most role-players do not appreciate other players who play characters that have all the power, all the answers, or have done it all. This type of role-play is known as Superman or Mary Sue role-play and it is a quick way to become alienated by the community. We expect you to earn your "props" (gain a reputation) in actual role-play with us and the rest of the role-play community of ESO. {Read More ..}
Role-play Punctuation
It is considered good manners to differentiate between dialog, emotes and ooc comments. Please use quotes around dialog, asterisks around emotes, or parentheses around ooc comments when necessary to indicate a change of format within a single post.
Negative Thought Emotes Without Representation
The use of negative thought emotes is considered questionable, but when they are done in such a way that the target doesn't have a valid way of responding, it's down right rude. All players have permission to respond to negative thought emotes as if they were spoken out loud.
Offline is Offline
It is considered bad manners to accuse a character of failing to do something or failing to be somewhere when the player is offline. This is especially true when the accusation has a serious impact on the character's storyline or reputation. It is advisable to set realistic expectations and deadlines for characters whose players have jobs, families and a need for sleep.
Players should be prepared to stand for the consequences of their actions. "In character actions results in in character consequences". Staff are available to help players negotiate if extreme actions are warranted by the characters actions. However, all players should understand that some in character actions have personal emotional triggers and stop immediately or fade to black if requested.
OOC Limits
Regular visitors and members are required to put personal limits in the #ooc-limits channel of the Hofborg Discord. We are a community of shared storytellers and our goal is to tell stories everyone will enjoy. To that mind we encourage everyone to be respectful of real life challenges that may present as hard personal limits in role-play. On the other hand, participating in the town role-play will be fraught with medieval-theme conflict and consequences. Players need to be prepared for the fact that Rated Mature storylines can and will happen, just like elsewhere in Elder Scrolls Online.
Role-Playing a Dialect or Language
Please be understanding that we have new players in our community so keep your use of alternate language words and typed dialects to "flavor words" that allows others to understand you via context. There is no need to develop complete language dictionaries; words such as hello/goodbye, yes/no, brother/sister, and titles should be more than enough to be getting on with. And while we prefer if our players learn about lore specific words, we believe that such things are not inherently immersion breaking and accept additions from similar earth cultures.
Disruptive Roleplay
Disruptive Roleplay has little to do with conflict per se, but has more to do with one or two people telling a completely different story than the scene is called or planned for. Just as one might be watch a play, there is a general understanding that the actors on the stage are engaged in a single scene where the audience can follow along with the unfolding storyline. Role-play is deemed disruptive when the focus is forced to constantly shift back and forth between what the primary actors are doing, and what is going on in the sidelines. When it becomes difficult to follow the main plot, the other plot is considered disruptive.
Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.