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Brygg-Bottom (Lore)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 19:48, 9 January 2023 by Lara (talk | contribs)

Brygg-Bottom is the name for the area of town that currently incorporates The Docks and the Wharf Rat and is ran by The Saebjorn Crew. The back alley near Kyne's Keg leads directly to the Wharf Rat and is loosely considered to be part of Brygg-Bottom.

The “Brygg-Bottom” end of town, including the Docks and the Wharf Rat will facilitate darker themed RP; they should be considered ‘R Rated’ and thought of as 'Saebjorn Turf' rather than as ‘open-to-the-public’ RP spaces. Players with OOC limits or who are uncomfortable with these themes/types of conflict should avoid these locations. 

Furthermore, Characters who have no IC business being in the shady underbelly of town should also avoid these areas; this includes members of the guard. As the Captain and the many player crew have moved to the Docks, their control over this space will be significant, expect to encounter a "mafia/gang like vibe" when in the area.

RP cannot be facilitated if the crew must stop discussions every time an untrusted outsider walks into the Wharf Rat—please be respectful of this, it is important that we share the screen and allow players who want to explore these themes to do so in a realistic way, in a designated space. Characters who ignore this should expect IC push-back from the crew. These designated areas are important for providing safe spaces for everyone to enjoy a shared story telling experience equally.