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Hofborg, Odd's End (Location)

From Hofborg

Revision as of 16:22, 31 January 2023 by Lara (talk | contribs)


Brygg-Bottom is the name for the area of town that currently incorporates The Docks, the Wharf Rat, and Odd's End. This area of town is ran by The Saebjorn Crew. The back alley near Kyne's Keg leads to the Wharf Rat by way of alleyway passages through the back side of Owl Square, and is loosely considered to be part of Brygg-Bottom. Brygg-Bottom operates on an expanded ruleset, please read.

User ID: @Shadoe12

House: Hakkvild's High Hall

Location Name: Hofborg, Odd's End

Brief Description: There are rumors that an outlaw refuge may exist within the various cairns and catacombs under Brigg-Bottom.

Max Population: 24

Odd’s End History

When the crew of the Seabjorn took over the Wharf Rat, early in 2E 591, they discovered that the basement of the Wharf Rat backed up to a portion of the area's underground cairns. Upon clearing what was apparently an intended cave in, they would discover an outlaw refuge still in use. A narrow egress to the fjord in Dragonhome would be located at the far end of the cairn.

Meeting with one of the residents of the area would reveal some interesting history. Most of the burial urns would have long been broken and little more than shards left, but one within the barrow would remain. Curiously protected by various enchantments the urn sat under a stone carved sign which read, “Oddgeirr Cairn-Breaker was here. The End.” So amused were the residents by this that the refuge is known as Odd’s End - which in typical thieve’s cant would be trimmed and obscured into phrases such as “I’ve got some odds and ends to run”, or even more vague “I need you to run some errands”, the emphasis on the last syllable.

While townies knowing of the general presence of such a location being used frequently in the days before the Harrowstorms simply referred to the general underground area as Under-Bottom.

Points of Interest

Black Market Wares
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Scattered throughout the catacombs one will find disreputable peddlers of questionable wares. Here, Under-Bottom’s clientele can find anything ranging from books on the occult to stolen relics to dangerous alchemical concoctions. On occasion a tattoo artist sets up shop just inside the old barrow lounge.
The Ratways
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Elevated above the rabble below, crudely constructed balconies and rickety ladders form a haphazard series of platforms and walkways for those who prefer not to share their leisure space with the crawly things below and chance snuggling with the bats above. Whether one seeks a serious game of chance, a semi-private corner to bathe, or to catch a few winks, it’s likely best to do so on one of the lofts. However, it’s best to sleep under some manner of covering not only for the chilly drafts, but guano can be hazardous to one’s health.
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At the far end of the catacombs, ancient stone doors open into a barrow chamber that has been renovated into a spacious yet cluttered lounge. The haze of hookah smoke wafts upon the brisk air and the thread bare couches and rugs look all too inviting to lounge upon. Persons of ill repute often loiter here, hoping to ensnare a lonely bystander and entice him, or her, to rut their cares away.
Fighting Ring
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Whether it be a round of boxing or seeing whose dog has the biggest bark, the makeshift arena in the barrow lounge is where you can carelessly gamble your coin away. Cock fighting is a favorite betting sport due to the ease with which it is to sneak the birds in; though some farmsteaders in the area occasionally report the theft of their prized roosters with rumors they’ve likely been kidnapped to use in the underground fighting ring.
Fjord Egress
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Out through a barred passage that only looks to be locked is a secluded waterway. The ravine is too narrow for a sea vessel, but a small skiff can precariously make their way along the rock strewn canal through the derelict Dragon Cult ruins of Dragonhome, out into open waters. Smugglers have used this waterway as a means to ferry their ill-gotten goods in and out of town for generations. Hooligans likewise utilize the underground passageways and fjord to avoid detection of the law above because any sane Nord wouldn’t dare traipse around a Dragon Cult lair.
Disclaimer and Copyright
This page may contain a mix of ESO canon and Hofborg fanon. This guild project, including the player homes, the story arcs, the add-on and the wiki, is the combined effort of an entire team of incredibly talented writers, builders and programmers. ESO canon has been credited to its source site and Fanon contributors are on the Copyright page.